Wednesday, May 16, 2012

422: Backyard

Our backyard is complete! I think I've mentioned before that I build PP for anything and everything, the backyard was no exception. I'm a visual person and it helps me see things out. Here is the plan. Our backyard is ity bity, teeny tiny, and our houses are close together. Ryan and I decided we wanted to make the most of the space by making it "livable." We are patio people! Siting in the grass, toting a lawn mower back there, paying more money to water it didn't sound like our idea of fun. So we xeriscaped the whole thing (don't worry we have parks right outside the door so our future children wont be deprived of grass.)
Last year we completed all of the major stuff, we covered the entire yard with rocks. We as in Ryan and I did all by ourselves.  It was backbreaking, but saved a ton of money.  We hired out for the parts we are clueless on, like extending the patio to make it bigger and adding the fire pit. I saw this concrete fire pit in Restoration Hardware's summer catalog and thought it wouldn't be too difficult to recreate. So I showed the landscaper and he winged it. Its not perfect but it works, and it is way fun. We still are slowly adding a plant here or there but for the most part it is finished. We sit out there almost everyday and watch the sun go down, or enjoy our small glimpse of the mountains. Of course, on occasion we roast a few marshmallows here and there. 
Other than a few small changes, I would say my PP is pretty spot on. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your backyard looks bomb! I've been impressed since the first time we met and had 'mallows in the pit. P.S. - You're helping me design my future digs. Just thought I'd give you the heads up now. :-)